Diak Identity Service
In order to study or work in Diak, all users must have and activate their own personal Diak user account.
With the Diak Identity Service, you can activate your user account, change your password or check your usernames. To use the service, you need either a valid Diak username and password, or your online banking ID / mobile certificate for suomi.fi authentication. By using the Service, you must agree to Diak's IT Terms of Use after authentication.
- If you are a Diak degree student, you can activate your account at the beginning of the first semester of attendance (starting January 3 or August 3).
- If you are completing other studies at Diak, you can activate your account two days after the right to study, usually no later than about 2 weeks before the start of your studies.
- If you are a Diak staff member, you will receive an email when your account can be activated.
How to activate new user account
Go to Diak Identity Service at https://id.diak.fi. From the home page, select Activate / Reset Password. In the following view, you will be reminded that using the service requires strong authentication, which is done with a online banking ID, mobile certificate or certificate card in the suomi.fi service. After verifying your identity, you will return back to the Diak Identity Service.

In order to continue using the service and to activate your username, you must accept the Terms of use for Diak's IT systems and data network. Once you accept the Terms of Use, you'll be able to set your password and see your username.
There are two forms of usernames used in different services. Most services use a longer form of user name, which works in email and the Diakle course platform, for example. The shorter username form is used for services that use a nationwide HAKA login. Such services include, for example, MyDiak and the library's electronic services, such as Finna.
Below the usernames is a "Password" key that you can press to set your password. The password must meet certain conditions listed in the Identity Service when setting or changing the password. You should also avoid certain, easy-to-guess words in your password.

Please be noted, that after setting the password, there can be a little delay that the change will synchronize to all Diak's IT systems and services. It should not take more than 15 minutes, but after that, you can begin to use your account on all Diak's IT systems and services.
Also be noted, that user accounts of Diak' staff uses multifactor authentication, which requires little effort when logging in to Diak systems for the first time (e.g., email), with your Diak user account. For more information about multifactor authentication, see the final section of this article and the instructions for multifactor authentication.
Forgot your password?
Go to id.diak.fi and select Activate / reset password. In the view that opens, select Next and you will be you will be transferred to the suomi.fi service to authenticate. To complete the authentication, you need an online banking ID, a mobile certificate, or a certificate card. After authentication, you will return to the Diak Identity Service automatically.
The User Information window has a Password button that you can click to change your password. The password must meet certain conditions listed in the Identity Service when setting or changing the password. Please be noted, that after setting the password, there can be a little delay that the change will synchronize to all Diak IT systems and services.
Also be noted, that user accounts of Diak' staff uses multifactor authentication, which requires little effort when logging in to Diak systems for the first time (e.g., email), with your Diak user account. For more information about multifactor authentication, see the final section of this article and the instructions for multifactor authentication.
How to change your password
Go to id.diak.fi, and select Change password -button. Login with your Diak username and current password. After login with your account information, Change password windows opens. Type the necessary information and the password of choice, and click Apply. Please follow the resctrictions and advices shown in the bottom of Change password page.
If you are unable to login with your current password, your password may have expired. In this case, use the Activate / Reset A Password -button and follow the instructions above in section "Forgot your password?"
Please be noted, that after setting the password, there can be a little delay that the change will synchronize to all Diak IT systems and services.
Also be noted, that user accounts of Diak' staff uses multifactor authentication, which requires little effort when logging in to Diak systems for the first time (e.g., email), with your Diak user account. For more information about multifactor authentication, see the final section of this article and the instructions for multifactor authentication.

Don't have Finnish personal identity number or online banking ID?
Diak Identity Service is not available for persons, who do not have a Finnish personal identity number or online banking ID. If you are not able to identify throught the identity service for the reason mentioned above,
- and you are a student of Diak, please contact Diak's study office ([email protected]) well in advance of your studies. We will agree with you on an alternative way to verify your identity and activate your user account.
- and you are member of Diak's staff, please contact Diak IT support ([email protected]). Please be prepared to prove your identity upon request.
Multifactor authentication
All accounts of Diak staff have multifactor authentication enforced. Please note that after activating your account, or each time you change your password, you will need authenticate your login to all services and applications. After activating your account for the first time, you must specify how you want to complete the multifactor authentication. For a variety of options, we recommend using the Microsoft Authenticator mobile app for authentication, which can be downloaded for free from the Apple app store, or the Google Play store.
After changing your password, all applications you are signed in with your Diak account, will require multifactor authentication. We recommend that you check all the applications and programs, as well as their login status after changing the password, from both the computer and the phone. If the authentication has not been performed, the programs will not work properly, and for example, emails will not arrive on your device until the multifactor authentication has been confirmed.