Printing, copying and scanning
3/17/2023: The print app uniFLOW SmartClient was updated and published for download on personal Windows devices, in addition to Mac devices.
Quick guide
Change the language: On from the top right corner by clicking your own name, and on printers after login from the icon with a head and speech bubble.
Send to print: From a Diak computer to the "DIAK Print" printer, or from in the "Start printing" section.
Login to printer: "Kirjaudu" (Login) button and your PIN code, or with an NFC card after registration. You'll find your PIN on
Using the printer: Use the "Copy" (Kopio), "Scan" and "Secure Print" functions shown after login. You can also use "Access stored files" (Tallennetut tiedostot) to print from a USB drive.
Printing: Select "Secure Print" to access your personal print queue. Select jobs to be printed by touching individual rows, or use "Select all" (Valitse kaikki). Then "Print + Delete".
Scanning: Select "Scan", then "Scan to Email" or "Scan to OneDrive". The first one sends the scans directly to your email, the second one saves the job in in your personal Diak OneDrive in a folder called Skannaukset. (OneDrive requires authorization first!)
General info
Diak's campuses have Canon multifunction devices (printers) with which you can securely print, copy and scan. Documents can be sent to them from a computer or from our website, and documents scanned with them can be sent to your own Diak e-mail or saved directly to your Diak OneDrive. All functions require identification.
Your Diak user ID has a personal print queue attached. All printer functions are connected to the same print queue, so it doesn't matter which device you are printing from, where you are located, or which device you are releasing print jobs from.
The printing service is strongly linked to the uniFLOW service and the web page (which redirects to the page). When you go to the link and press the "Continue with Diak login service" (Jatka kirjautumispalvelulla Diak) button, you'll be able to log in with your long form Diak username.

On you can find your personal PIN code, which you need to log in to the multifunction printers. You can also register an old Diak access card, or any card that supports NFC technology, so you can quickly log in without a PIN code. Registration is done like this: Swipe your card over the card reader next to the display, you will hear a beep and the printer display will change. It will tell you it did not recognize the card and give a text field where you can enter your PIN code. When you do this, the card is connected to your profile, and the device logs you in at the same time. After this, try to log out, and see if you can log in to the device by simply flashing the card.
The staff also has some old direct printers that work via a USB cable or local network connection. They work like any old simple printer, and these instructions do not concern them.
You can change your own language settings on from the top right corner by clicking your own name, and on printers after login, from the icon on the bottom right with a speech bubble icon next to a head. Please don't change the language on printers before logging in unless necessary, as it only changes the login screen language, and slows down login events as the system must switch languages during login.
Send to the printer
Diak's Windows computers have the default printer "DIAK Print". When you print with it, the job ends up in your personal print queue, as long as you are logged in to the computer with your personal credentials.
The page contains several options for printing in the "Start printing" section. You can drag files directly into the browser window, or browse files from the device to print. You can also install the same DIAK Print printer on your own Windows or Mac computer. Unlike with Diak computers, the print app requires a separate login.
Diak's ICT team recommends only the options mentioned above. With default settings, print jobs are always sent as black and white, on both sides of the paper. The DIAK Print printer is the only way you can customize print settings before sending the job to the printer, with all other methods you have to change settings on the actual printer in the print queue view.
You can also print by email from your own Diak address to mobileprint ( at ) The old tulostus ( at ) email address is no longer in use. When printing via email, all email attachments as well as the email itself show up in the print queue as separate print jobs, and the transfer may take some minutes. In addition, the system spams you with confirmation emails about received print jobs.
You may also try the mobile app or the Chrome extension at your own risk, but our ICT support does not test or support their use.
Using the printer
Press the "Kirjaudu" button (Login in Finnish) and enter your PIN code to log in to a multifunction printer. The Copy, Scan and Secure Print functions should appear on the home screen, as well as "Access stored files". Also note the Log out button, always use it when you leave the device. The printer automatically logs out the current user if the device is not interacted with for two minutes.
The Secure Print button takes you to your personal print queue. Select jobs to be printed by touching individual rows, or use "Select all". Then "Print + Delete". You can press the Refresh button if, for example, you are waiting for a job to process that was sent via email just a moment ago.
From the Scan function, you can send documents either to your Diak email or to your own Diak OneDrive, choose one to start scanning. Scans saved in OneDrive go directly to a folder named "Skannaukset". In order to save to OneDrive, the connection must first be authorized. If you try to use the function before authorization, the system will show you an error message and send you authorization instructions by email. You can use that, or you can go directly to and to the Notifications section, and click on the link in the OneDrive notification.
If you insert papers from the side feed, press the huge green button, and the device will process all papers at once and send them to you right away. If you scan papers from the glass tray, you'll have to press the huge green button for each scan, and then press Next (Seuraava). In both cases, after this, the system returns you to the Scan destination selection view without any confirmation of success, and sends all scanned documents to your email or OneDrive as one PDF file.
You can also print files from a USB device with the "Access stored files" function, but this is not supported by our ICT team.
Personal info
On the page, you can see all the information related to you in the Identities list. Some of them come directly from our other systems, so please don't delete rows that seem unnecessary. When you move your mouse over an identity on the list, you can delete it via the three dots on the right. From the "New identity" button at the top of the list, you can create a new personal PIN code.
All NFC cards you register on a printer's card reader show up on this list as Card numbers. See the General info heading above for registration instructions. You can delete card numbers, e.g. if you lose a card. Unfortunately cards on the list cannot be renamed for easier recognition.
By default, the PIN code is only displayed as three symbols, but you can show the number via the three dots on the right. You can have several PIN codes, or none, and you can delete and create them freely. When you create a new one, the system automatically generates a code and also sends it to your email.
Jobs sent to the print queue that are not printed are automatically removed after 24 hours. If the device prints a job from the queue, but e.g. the paper or color or staples have run out, the system will delete the interrupted job after 5 minutes, if the cause of the interruption is not removed.