How to transfer studies completed in other Finnish Universities to Diak
Diak students can complete parts of their degree in other universities during their studies at Diak. Students must always get an approval for completing study modules in other universities from their Study Guidance Counselor before the study module begins. Completed study modules that are approved by the Study Guidance Counselor can be transferred to MyDiak in this service.
Diak Nursing students transfer their Nursing credits completed in Arcada to Diak in this service.
1. Login to My Studyinfo
Login to My Studyinfo -service that has records of all the studies you have completed in Finland.
You can access My Studyinfo only by logging in via e-Identification with Finnish online banking credentials (e-identification must be enabled), a Finnish electronic ID-card or mobile certificate. Identification methods for foreigners in e-Identification are currently not supported.
Click 1. Go to My Studyinfo.
2. Go to My completed studies section
As an identified user you can view and share information about your studies at My completed studies section which is currently unfortunately only available in Finnish and Swedish.
Click proceed to studies.
3. Share study information
In My Studyinfo -> My Studies section you will be able to transfer credits. First click Share study information

4. Select the study modules to be transferred
Tick the studies you wish to share.
5. Share the studies
Click Share the studies you’ve selected and a link is created.

6. Copy the link

7. Submit the link to Diak
Go to -> Transferring credits from other Finnish universities
Add the copied link (7) and click Continue to confirmation (7a)
Click Send (7b)
After this the Study Office transfer the credits to MyDiak during the semesters in 1-3 weeks.