Workseed instructions for worklife supervisors
Workseed is a web-based application used at Diak for managing students' placements and and clinical practices.
Diak's students set their personal learning objectives, record their weekly hours and carry out their self-assessment on Workseed.
As a worklife supervisor, you accept the student's weekly time sheets and, towards the end of the placement period, complete the assessment. You can also comment on the student's learning objectives and communicate with the student and Diak's teacher via the Notes functionality on Workseed.
You log in to Workseed via a personal login link and an authentication code sent to your email address from Workseed.
Please note that all activities (comments, notes, assessments) done on Workseed can be seen by all three parties: yourself, the student and Diak's teacher.
You will receive an email from Workseed when the student that you supervise has added your contact details on Workseed. The email includes a personal login link.
To be able to send you this link, the student will ask you for your name, email address and your mobile number.
When you click the link to log in to Workseed, you will be asked to request an authentication code via text message.

If it is not possible for you to give your mobile number, you will be prompted to order the authentication code as a separate email.
You can log in with the login link as long as the student that you supervise is completing their placement. The link will stop working approximately two weeks after the placement has ended.
If your login link stops working prematurely, please ask your student to send you a new link. (The student can do this on their own Report & Assessment tab).
You will receive email notifications from Workseed. These may include:
- student has started to work on their objectives for placement and assessment form
- student has marked their personal learning goals as done
- Diak teacher has commented on the student's goals
- student has requested you to approve their weekly time sheet (approve each week separately)
- student or Diak teacher has added a note
Typically, these email notifications are sent once a day in a summary email.
Via the link you received, you can comment on the student's personal learning goals (marked 1 in the image below). The teacher responsible for the student's placement can also comment on the goals.
Below the personal learning goals there is a Notes functionality (2) that all parties (you, student and Diak's teacher) can use.

Student records their working hours on Workseed and your responsibility as their worklife supervisor is to check and accept their time sheet. Even if a separate time sheet is kept at the workplace, the student also needs to record their hours on Workseed. The teacher responsible for the student's placement at Diak uses this time sheet to check that the student has reached the total hours included in the placement.
The student can use different types of attendance:
- 'At placement' is used when the student is at placement. The start of shift and end of shift columns are used to mark down the actual start and end times of the shift (not the planned shift if it is different from the completed shift). The table sums up the daily hours.
- 'Ill (do not note down hours)' is used for sick leave days. The student chooses the correct date but leaves the shift columns empty. This way the hours are not counted towards the total hours of the placement. If the student is ill, the total hours for that day should be 0 hours.
- 'Other tasks included in the placement hours':
- Muu harjoitteluun laskettava tyƶaika: It has been agreed at Diak that the student may also include in their placement hours some tasks or activities that are not done at the workplace. These could include, for instance, participation in placement info sessions or reflective workshops. Diak's teacher instructs the student on the permitted number of these hours. At the end of the placement, Diak's teacher checks these hours from Workseed, so even if you as the worklife supervisor accept weeks that contain these entries, you are not responsible for the correctness of these hours.
- 'At work' is used if the student completes a paid shift during the placement or if the placement is completed under an employment contract.
As a worklife supervisor, it is your responsibility to check that the hours marked as 'At placement' correspond to the hours that the student has completed at placement.
You can visit Workseed once a week to accept your student's hours or, if you wish, accept all weeks at the end of the placement. Either way you choose, please remember accept each week separately after checking the hours.
After you have accepted the weekly hours, the student can no longer edit these entries on Workseed.
If you notice a mistake after accepting the hours, you can undo the acceptance by locating and clicking the garbage can image below the week:
After this has been done, the student can correct their entries and request for approval again. You then accept the weekly hours again.
At the end of the placement you complete the assessment. The assessment section is marked with green and can be found at the bottom of the page.
Assessment is done on a passed/failed scale. Assess separately each goal that the student has set for their placement.
We also wish that you would give additional feedback to support the student's professional growth. You can comment on each goal separately and, at the bottom of the assessment section, comment on the student's strengths and development needs in writing.
If you assess one or more goals as failed, you are required to give written feedback on that goal.
Please note that the teacher responsible for the placement at Diak can see the assessment and feedback you give.
After the student has marked the form as done, they can no longer edit any entries and you will receive a separate email notification. Please log in once more to make sure that you have accepted each week and assessed each goal. After this, mark the form as assessed by clicking the blue button at the bottom of the page. This way Diak's teacher knows that you are completed your assessment.