Create a Zoom meeting in a Diakle course
Student group study rooms are no longer created the same way as in Collaborate. This is because only two meetings created by one person can be active at the same time, and meetings created in Diakle appear on the Zoom meetings list for the person who creates the Diakle Zoom activity. This can lead to situations where a meeting cannot be started, because two meetings belonging to the same host are already running.
Students can create their own Zoom meetings, and invite group members to participate.
When you create a Zoom activity in Diakle, the meeting appears in the Zoom web portal ( on your Meetings page. However, when you delete a Zoom activity in Diakle, it is not removed from the web portal, and vice versa. Meetings created on Diakle are automatically deleted from the Zoom web portal only if the whole Diakle course is deleted (this includes meetings whose corresponding Diakle activity has already been deleted).
If you delete a Diakle Zoom activity, the corresponding meeting will still be accessible (for you through the web portal, and for others through links), until you remove it from the Zoom web portal. If you remove a meeting from the web portal, the corresponding Diakle activity will stay untouched. Participants entering the activity will get the blue error message below, and teachers with editing rights on the course will get the red error message below.
If the activity is recreated through the "recreate it here" link, the new meeting will appear in the Zoom web portal for the person who recreated it.
To create a Zoom activity for your online lectures or meetings on a Diakle course, go to the course area, select the section where the activity should be created, and click "Create learning activity".

From the activities menu, select "Zoom meeting".

It is advisable to give the activity a topic or description that corresponds with the course (e.g. topic "Online lectures HAR01MK20HKI" or description "This is where online lectures for HAR01MK20HKI happen" etc.).
This is solely to help the management of recurring Zoom meetings for old Diakle courses, which are never deleted, only archived. When looking at meetings on the Zoom web portal, individual meetings don't show which Diakle course they're attached to. Topics, however, are shown on your meetings list, and descriptions are shown when you open an individual meeting by clicking on it. Teachers' Meetings pages on the Zoom web portal will likely fill up with bygone Diakle meetings as time goes by.

Write down (1) a topic and (2) a description (optional) for the activity. When using the same Zoom meeting for all online lectures, it is advisable to add the date and time of each lecture in the description field. Select the option (3) to make the description visible directly on the course page.
On Diakle, Zoom rooms are created as a Recurring meeting (4) with no fixed time by default. This means that there is no starting time for the meeting, and the room is always accessible.
If you disable the "Recurring meeting" option, you should select a starting date and time for the meeting in the field "When" (5), and inform participants. You can also set the estimated duration, but in practice the meeting lasts until the host clicks the End button from the meeting interface.

Passcode is a compulsory security feature, but Zoom does not require participants to enter the passcode if they join the meeting via Diakle, by pressing the "Join meeting" button in the Zoom activity. However, you can also provide the passcode in the activity description as a precaution.
"Require authentication to join" (1) is enabled by default on Diakle. Zoom meetings created through Diakle require that the participant is logged into a Diak Zoom account, i.e. to join the meeting, students must be logged in to their Zoom app with their "[email protected]" user account. If your course has students that do not have a account (e.g. in international cooperations, or courses with open university students), you can disable this option.
Alternatively, you can allow participants to join from non-Diak Zoom accounts by editing your meeting after creation through the Zoom web portal, by selecting the lower authentication option as below.

If you decide to disable the authentication requirement, you can select the (2) "Enable waiting room" option and manually let the participants into the meeting as an extra security measure.
In recurring meetings, participants can enter the Zoom room at any point before the teacher/host arrives. If you disable this option, the host must be in the meeting before the participants can join.
The participants and host join the meeting with their cameras switched off by default, and the participants' microphones are also muted in the beginning. These options can be edited, if needed.
If the course has more than one teacher, or if you need someone else to start a lecture on your behalf, you should include the other teachers as "Alternative hosts". Only other Diak Zoom users can be added as Alternative hosts, and you can add them by their email. Separate them with a comma WITHOUT SPACE.
Check your Zoom activity's settings and then save it.