Workseed instructions for students
Please read these instructions before you start filling your new personal objectives and assessment forms on Workseed.
Please watch a Workseed info recording in English (updated 29 September 2024). Please log in in order to watch the recording.
Finnish instructions are also available on Screensteps.
Workseed is a web-based app used at Diak where students set their personal learning objectives for each placement/clinical practice and receive assessment from their worklife supervisor and Diak's placement teacher. Students also record their placement hours on Workseed and carry out self-assessment.
Workseed has replaced the Objectives for placement and assessment forms and placement time sheets (PDF).
Students and Diak teachers log in to Workseed with their O365 credentials, i.e., their Diak student email addresses and passwords.
Worklife supervisors log in with a personal email link sent to them from Workseed.
Log in at with your O365 Diak credentials (see below), that is, with the long version of your Diak user ID (such as [email protected]) and password.

Workseed is connected to MyDiak. You can log in to Workseed for the first time when you
- have enrolled for your next placement and your enrolment has been accepted on MyDiak and
- when there's 4 months or less until this placement starts. This is counted from the start date of the placement as shown on MyDiak. Please note that Workseed is not connected to Jobiili in any way.
For example, you can log in to Workseed on 1 July if your next placement starts on 1 November or earlier and your enrolment has been accepted on MyDiak.
Your worklife supervisor will log in with a personal login link that you send them from Workseed.
When your enrolment details are transferred from MyDiak to Workseed, you cannot immediately see who your placement teacher is. You can see your placement teacher on Workseed when the teacher who supervises your placement has chosen you as their student on Workseed.
Objectives for placement and assessment is the assignment in which you set your personal learning objectives, record your working hours and complete your self-assessment at the end of your placement. You will automatically see this assignment on the Assignments tab after logging in to Workseed.
The due date that you see on Workseed is the end date of this placement as defined on MyDiak. Thus it might not be the same date when your own placement ends. You still have access to Workseed after this due date has passed.
You can start working on the assignment whenever you wish by clicking Start (later, the button will be labelled Continue).
The tabs Before your placement starts and At the start of your placement include important information regarding the placement and a checklist of things you need to consider before starting your placement.
On the Personal learning goals tab, you will set your personal learning objectives.
The Time sheet tab is where you record your practical training hours.
On the Report and assessment tab, you will complete your self assessment. You may also use the Notes functionality to communicate with your workplace supervisor and teacher.
Workseed saves your entries automatically.
Once you know who will act as your worklife supervisor, add their contact details on Workseed. On the upper right-hand side corner, click Add place of learning.
Note down, at least, the name of your worklife supervisor (or workplace instructor - this is the term used by Workseed), their email address as well as the place of learning. Once you start typing in the name of you place of learning, Workseed may offer you places already found in our learning place register. If you find the exact place where you are going on placement, select it from the list. If you cannot find the right place, note down the name in this format: official name of the organisation, department/unit and town/city.

It is also recommended to add a phone number if you worklife supervisor can give you their number. If you add a phone number, your worklife supervisor will be prompted to order an authentication code via text message when they are logging in via the personal email link. If you do not add a phone number, they will order the authentication code as a separate email. The authentication code needs to be ordered as it is needed when logging in.
You can add one or more worklife supervisors.
Once you have added the required details, click Save and close at the bottom of the window and your worklife supervisor will receive an email from Workseed. If you add multiple supervisors, they will all receive separate links.
If needed, you can edit the contact details at the top of the page.

If you edit your worklife supervisor's email address, they will receive a new login link and the old one will not work anymore. Similarly, if you change supervisors, you can delete the old details and replace them with the new ones, and then the original login link will stop working.
You can resend the login link to your worklife supervisor at any time at the bottom of the Report & Assessment tab.

If your place of learning/placement organisation changes before you start your placement, you can delete the previously added details and add new ones.
If you have started your placement and change to a new place, ask your teacher to publish a new objectives for placement and assessment form to be used in your new place. You are not allowed to use the same form in two different places.
On the Personal learning objectives tab you will set your own goals for the placement. The learning objectives given for this placement in the curriculum are on Workseed. Add a goal related to the curriculum objective by clicking Add personal learning goal.
If you have more than one goal related to the same curriculum objective, it is recommended to only create one text box next to each curriculum objective. If you add more than one next to a curriculum objective, the final assessment done at the end of your placement can easily get a bit strenuous.
Depending on the placement, there can be quite many learning objectives in the curriculum and they are all shown on Workseed. Technically, you do not need to add a personal goal next to each one of them. Your placement teacher advised you on how to formulate your personal learning goals.
Once you are happy with your goals, you can mark them as done at the bottom of the page. Your worklife supervisor and placement teacher will receive an email notifying them of this and log in and comment on your goals. You can always edit your goals even after marking them as 'done'. Marking them as done always sends an email notification to your placement teacher and worklife supervisor.
You can only mark your personal learning goals as done once you have added your worklife supervisor's contact details on Workseed.

The Time sheet tab is where you record your working hours. Please note down the actual start time and end time of your shift.
You can also use Workseed for planning your shifts by using the columns 'Planned start of shift' and 'Planned end of shift'. If required, you can print out your plan and take it with you to your placement setting by following the instructions on Workseed.
Note down your sick leave days, too, and mark '00:00' on both shift columns so that you can see '0 hours' in the total hours column.
If you complete tasks or take part in activities that you are allowed to include in your placement hours, such as orientation or final reflective workshop, please note them down by choosing 'Other tasks included in the placement hours' and the actual days when they occurred. For instance, if you took part in the orientation session on 2 May and started your placement on 3 September, you may mark down the orientation session on the very first row of the first week and then add an extra row in order to fit in the five working days of you first placement week.
Your placement teacher will check the hours marked as 'Other tasks included in the placement hours' at the end of your placement. Your worklife supervisor is not responsible for the validity of these markings.
Each week has five days by default. You can add more rows by clicking Add row.
After you have filled in the first week and checked that the total hours are correct, click Request approval. Your worklife supervisor will receive an email notification and can visit Workseed to approve your hours. You need to request for approval for each week separately and your worklife supervisor needs to approve each week separately.
If you have requested for approval but notice that there's a mistake in the table, you can undo the the request:

The Cancel approval request button will not be shown after your worklife supervisor has approved that particular week. If you notice an error after this, you can ask your worklife supervisor to undo the approval by logging in to Workseed via their personal login link and locating the garbage can image below that week:
After this has been done, you can correct your entries and request for approval again.
Your Diak teacher cannot undo the approval made by your workplace supervisor. If you cannot reach your worklife supervisor anymore and need to edit your hours after they have been approved, please ask your teacher to contact Diak's Workseed admins.
The last tab is called Report & Assessment. Your earlier replies will be shown here. This is also the view that your Diak placement teacher and worklife supervisor see when their visit your report.
Below your personal learning goals, there is a notes functionality. All parties can add a note and read each others' notes so this is where you can communicate with your placement teacher and worklife supervisor in case you have something you need to agree on.
At the end of your placement you will complete your self-assessment at the bottom of the Report and assessment tab. Assessment is done with the help of a slider and there is also space for free-form self-assessment.
After recording all your placement hours, requesting for approval for each week and completing the self-assessment, you can click Mark as done at the bottom of the page. After this, you cannot make any changes so please make sure to complete every step before making as done. Your worklife supervisor receives an email notification telling them that everything is ready for their assessment. Your placement teacher will also complete the assessment on their part. If you marked your assignment done too early and still need to work on it, your Diak teacher can restore it back to 'incomplete.'
You can create a PDF of this form by clicking the PDF button at the very bottom of the page at any stage.
After recording all your placement hours, requesting for approval for each week and completing the self-assessment, you can click Mark as done at the bottom of the page. After this, you cannot make any changes so please make sure to complete every step before making as done. Your worklife supervisor receives an email notification telling them that everything is ready for their assessment. Your placement teacher will also complete the assessment on their part. If you marked your assignment done too early and still need to work on it, your Diak teacher can restore it back to 'incomplete.'
If you continue the same placement at another organisation (for instance, you complete PRA3 in two different places) please ask your Diak placement teacher to publish another objectives for placement and assessment form for your new placement setting. You cannot use the same form in two different placement settings.
After your teacher has published the second form, please start filling it in the same way that you filled the first one and click Add place of learning to send your new worklife supervisor a login link to this form.
If you continue a placement that you started in spring 2023 or earlier, use the objectives for placement and assessment PDF forms to complete this placement.
To be able to see the objectives for placement and assessment form on Workseed, you must be on the enrollment list for a placement that takes place in the current or upcoming semester. If you had enrolled for the spring 2023 placement on MyDiak, but did not start the placement and postponed it, you need to be added to a new enrollment list.
If you are in this kind of a situation, please send an email to the study office and your study guidance counsellor and ask to be added to the enrollment list for the current semester's placement. The study office staff will add you to the right list, after which you will see your placement and assessment form on Workseed typically the following day.
If you complete your placement under an employment contract, note down the job title in your contract on the Before your placement starts tab. Your teacher can check in the evaluation discussion that the job title is noted down correctly. You do not need to attach a copy of your employment contract on Workseed or show it to your teacher.
Workseed is not used in international work placements. If you complete your work placement abroad, please use the forms meant for this purposel.