Electronic degree certificate
The official degree certificates of Diak graduates are electronic degree certificates from March 1, 2023. Paper degree certificates are no longer issued.
Degree certificates issued before March 1, 2023 will not be converted to electronic.
The electronic degree certificate is available for download on graduation day at 10 a.m. from MyDiak Print Service. Diak's usernames are valid for 30 days after graduation, so within this period the certificate must be downloaded and stored in your files.
Content of the electronic degree certificate
Downloading an electronic degree certificate
Verifing the authenticity of an electronic degree certificate
Content of the electronic degree certificate
The electronic degree certificate is issued from Bachelor's and from Master's degrees.
The certificate is a PDF file signed electronically by the Rector containing the following documents:
Education in Finnish
- Degree Certificate
- Transcript of Records for Degree Certificate
- English translation of the Degree Certificate
- Transcript of Records for Degree Certificate (in english)
- Diploma Supplement
Education in English
- Degree Certificate (in english)
- Finnish translation of the Degree Certificate
- Transcript of Records for Degree Certificate
- Diploma Supplement
Diploma Supplement is intended for international use. It provides information about background, level, content and position of studies in the Finnish education system. Diploma Supplement aims to increase international transparency of qualifications and facilitate mobility after graduation.
More information about Diploma Supplement https://europa.eu/europass/en/learn-europe/diploma-supplement
Downloading an electronic degree certificate
How to download an electronic degree certificate from the Students Desktop in MyDiak
1. Open the STUDIES -top menu from MyDiak and select Print service
2. In Print service there are three tabs New Order, Documents and Degree Certificate. Go to degree certificate by clicking Degree Certificate

3. The degree certificate is found on your list by the name Tutkintotodistus. Download the certificate by clicking Download.

4. The degree certificate will open either on web browser, is downloaded to your browsers' downloads or opens on a default program (for example Adobe Reader). This depends on your browser settings.
5. Save your degree certificate toyour files in several different places, for example, on a cloud service and a flash drive. All electronic copies are official and authentic certificates.
The electronic degree certificate must be downloaded within the time limit (30 days). If the Student office sends it afterwards it is chargeable (30 €).
Verifing the authenticity of an electronic degree certificate
The electronic degree certificate can be printed on paper, but the degree certificate is official only in electronic form.
An electronic degree certificate does not require separate authentication. You can send the degree certificate as it is to different authorities or as an attachment to a job application.
The authenticity of the electronic degree certificate issued by Diak can be verified in the Atomi Validator service. The authenticity of the certificate can also be checked in the certificate service on the website of the Digital and Population Information Agency.