How to: Ordering an electronically signed certificate through the print service
You'll find the Print Service in MyDiak under the Studies-menu.
If you have several current study entitlements, remember to ensure first that the correct study entitlement is active in MyDiak. If needed, change the active entitlement f. ex. through the menu in the top right corner of your MyDiak desktop.
Go to the print service and the New order -page. Here you'll see the documents provided for students for independent download.
- Study Certificate (in Finnish or in English)
- Transcript of Records (in Finnish or in English)
Start by selecting the document you wish to order and choose the language of the document. Click Order to finish.

The service will now create the document and the e-signature attached to it and add it to your Documents-tab.
In Documents (the document bank) you'll find all the documents you have ordered yourself and the e-signed documents sent to you by the study office. The list shows the name of the document and date of creation.
The newest document is shown on the top of the list.
Open/download the document to your computer by clicking its name on the list. Depending on your browser, its settings and your selections the document will be
- opened in your browser
- opened in your default programme or
- saved to your downloads folder.
The document has now been saved and you can forward it to where you need to.

There is a limit on the number of documents for the document bank: 20 documents / study entitlement. If this limit is exceeded, you cannot order or receive new document to your document bank.
Remove documents by clicking on the trashcan icon at the end of the row of the document you want to delete. After you confirm, the document will be deleted from your bank and you'll have room for new documents.
Ordering a new Transcript of Records can be a handy way to check you latest credits total. Because the size of the document bank is limited, it might be a good idea to immediately remove the documents you do not intend to use or send to anyone.
If your document bank is full even after removing unnecessary documents and you need more space, download the required number of documents to your computer and delete them from your document bank. All electronic documents removed from the bank can still be verified through the electronic validation services.
However, if you have printed a hard-copy of an e-signed document on paper, its authenticity can no longer be verified if you delete it from the document bank (Diak can not compare the paper document to the original, because the original is no longer in the service database).