How to: Applying for your Degree Certificate through the Graduation Service
Students apply for their Degree Certificate with the Graduation Service in MyDiak (Studies menu -> Graduation service).
You may begin preparations for applying for your Degree Certificate well in advance, even before you can access the AVOP feedback questionnaire. However, the entire process needs to be completed by the application deadline for your preferred graduation date. Remember to check the current graduation schedule, found f. ex. on Diak's website here.
Etsitkö tutkintotodistuksen hakemisen ohjetta suomeksi? Siirry suomenkieliseen ohjepankkiin.
MyDiak's Graduation service will guide you step by step through the stages toward graduation. On the graduation service you will complete your Degree Certificate Application, follow its progress through processing and receive confirmation of your graduation date.
You may start your graduation process as soon as you have the right to fill out the AVOP feedback questionnaire. Before this you can familiarise yourself with the different stages of the process. On the front page of the service you'll find f. ex. links to all the guides related to graduation and the Degree Certificate Application.
You can answer the AVOP feedback questionnaire when you have completed 80 % of you Bachelor's Degree credits or 50 % of you Master's Degree credits.
AVOP feedback questionnaire asks graduation students to evaluate and provide feedback on their education. The findings are used locally by institutions to improve their institutional processes and practices and nationally to inform performance-based monitoring and funding.
All graduating Degree Programme students take part in AVOP. You cannot proceed to applying for your Degree Certificate before you fill out the questionnaire. If you don't complete the questionnaire, your answers will not be saved and you cannot proceed to your application.
- Go to the AVOP questionnaire by clicking on the link on the front page of the Graduation Service.
- Log in to the questionnaire with your HAKA credentials, which are your personal Diak username and password (the same you use to log in to f. ex. MyDiak).
- Follow the directions given.
Your background information in AVOP is transferred from MyDiak through the Virta-database. AVOP classifies full time studies as daytime studies and will only display your Degree Title not the full Degree Programme name. You can bypass this and continue, the information does not need to be edited on AVOP.
- After completing the questionnaire, wait to be redirected back to MyDiak and the Graduation Service. This ensures your Degree Certificate Application is correctly opened and you can continue to the next step in the process.
Please contact our study office if your application does not open correctly of for some reason you are not able to complete the AVOP questionnaire.
You may begin filling out your Degree Certificate Application as soon as you have completed the AVOP questionnaire. You may go through the application in stages, everything does not need to be completed at once.
Your appointed reviewer will receive an automatic notification of a new application. The application will be taken under review approximately 2 weeks before the graduation date of that month.
Go through the Degree Certificate Application carefully. Answer the required questions and mark items as completed as you proceed with the necessary preparations.
After you fill in a question/item, the status icon will change from gray to orange to signify that this section of the application is now complete.

Remember to save your changes often - the Save-button will appear after the first edit on the orange bar on the top of the page.
* mandatory question = you cannot submit your application unless you answer these questions
Desired graduation date *
State the graduation date you wish to graduate on. The date must be one of Diak's official graduation dates. You can check the graduation schedules and possible graduation dates f. ex. on Diak's website. Please note that your final graduation date will be confirmed only after your application has been approved.
Degree Programme I'm graduating from *
State the Degree Programme your graduating from. You'll find our English language Programmes at the end of the list.
Campus I'm graduating from *
State the Campus you are graduating from, i.e. your own Campus in Diak.
Information about my graduation can be published (f. ex. Diak website, print media, internet). *
Let us know if we can publish that you are graduating. If your answer is no, your graduation will not be mentioned on any platforms. The details of your graduation will still be entered in to MyDiak and from there automatically transferred to f. ex. the national database VIRTA and My Studyinfo.
I have verified that my contact information in MyDiak is correct. *
Update your postal address, phone number and personal email address in MyDiak. Afterwards mark the item on the application as completed.
I have returned all loans to the library.
Make sure that you have returned all loans taken as a student to Diak's library. Afterwards mark the item on the application as completed. Please note that you can continue to use Diak's libraries after graduation. You'll find more information on Diak's website.
I have returned all equipment and/or keys provided by the UAS.
If you have loaned any equipment from Diak (f. ex. cameras), return them to the loan provider. Remember to also return any pass keys when you no longer need them. Afterwards mark the item on the application as completed.
I am aware that I am required to submit my license application to the National Supervisory Authority (Valvira) myself.
Visible only to those graduating from BA of Health Care or BA of Social Services: Familiarise yourself with the Valvira guidelines (health care or social services) and afterwards, mark the item on the application as completed.
Are all your course grades in MyDiak? *
Confirm in MyDiak that you have completed and received study credit for all courses required for your Degree Programme.
The name of my thesis has been correctly registerd on MyDiak. *
Confirm in MyDiak that the name of your thesis has been spelled correctly on MyDiak. If there are any mistakes or omissions, give the correct spelling on the application (both Finnish and English if applicable).
I have submitted my thesis to Theseus. *
Verify that you have submitted your thesis to Theseus according to the directions. Afterwards mark the item on the application as completed.
The URN link to your thesis on Theseus *
You have received the URN link upon submitting your thesis to Theseus, copy it here. More information f. ex. on the Theseus Submissions Page.
I have provided an archival copy of my thesis. *
Make sure that you have submitted an archive copy of your thesis to Diak in accordance with the instructions.
The name of my development assignment has been correctly registered on MyDiak.
Visible only to those graduating from BA of Public Health Care: Confirm that the name of your development assignment has been spelled correctly on MyDiak. If there are any mistakes or omissions, give the correct spelling on the application.
My Degree includes the required 60 cr studies for early childhood education and social pedagogy.
Visible only to those graduating from Finnish language BA of Social Services: Let us know if your Degree includes the required studies for qualifying as a BA in the field of early childhood eduation. If yes, note the practical placements for HAR2 and HAR3 on the application.
Possible corrections and remarks
Note here any corrections or remarks for the reviewer of your application (f. ex. any corrections regarding your Transcript of Records).
Delivery method of your Degree Certificate will change from 1.3.2023, the graduate will receive their Degree Certificates only electronically.
You can download your degree certificate from MyDiak Print Service on graduation date at 10 a.m. The certificate is available for download for 30 days.
I want to join Diak's alumni community and you can contact me regarding alumni matters.
Get acquainted with Diak's alumni programmes and join the alumni community as you graduate! If you confirm you want to join, your name will be added to the alumni register and Diak's alumni services will f. ex. email you news regarding our upcoming courses and programmes. You can always join the community later, with the form available on the website.
When your preferred graduation date is approaching and you have completed the necessary questions/items on the application, your appointed reviewer will begin processing your Degree Certificate Application.
You'll see on the Graduation Service when processing has begun.
On the bottom section of the application page you can monitor how the reviewer completes their own Study Office Checklist.

Your reviewer may also leave you a comment regarding your application via the Study Office Checklist.

After your reviewer has confirmed that both your study register and your Degree Certificate Application are in order, your application will be sent directly for approval. In exceptional cases, if the application is incomplete, you must complete the application yourself and send it to final approval. In this case you will receive your email (Diak's e-mail) from this request.
You can see from the Graduation System when Student Office has confirmed your Degree Certificate Application and sent it for approval.
In exceptional cases, if the application is incomplete (not all mandatory information has been completed), the Student Office will not be able to send the application directly for approval. In this case, you must send the application for approval yourself. You will receive a request for this in your email.
You'll see on MyDiak when you've submitted the application for approval and to whom it is assigned. The Graduation Service will automatically notify the person assigned of your application.
Your official graduation date will be confirmed when the application is approved. You'll be notified of the approval via email and you'll see the same information on the Graduation Service.
The recommended browsers are Chrome, Safari, Firefox and MS Edge. The service does not work with MS Internet Explorer.
If the Graduation Service does not work as expected, try this
- log out of MyDiak and close the browser you were using
- open your browser again and log in to MyDiak
If this does not help, try another browser.
If this also does not help, please contact MyDiak technical support at [email protected].
The service is not used for all study programmes. If you are not a degree programme student, you probably cannot use the Graduation Service and Degree Certificate Application at all. If you are a degree programme student, read the list below.
Your Degree Certificate Application opens on the MyDiak Graduation Service when you've answered the AVOP questionnaire.
- If you tried to do that but did not finish the questionnaire or due to some technical problem were not able to finish, contact the Study Office. If needed, we can give you new log in credentials for AVOP.
- If you did answer AVOP successfully, but the questionnaire did not redirect you back to MyDiak correctly or you have other technical problems with opening the application, contact the Study Office.
- If for some reason you are not able to answer AVOP at all, contant the Study Office. We will open a Degree Certificate Application for you manually.
The Graduation Service will always open to your current step in the graduation process. If you have previously advanced to the application stage and no longer find it on the service, please check these first:
- What browser are you using? The Graduation Service does not work on Internet Explorer so make sure to use f. ex. Firefox, Safari or Chrome.
- Are you using the correct study entitlement on MyDiak? If you have more than one currently valid study entitlement, you'll also have more than one Graduation Service. Check that you're using the correct entitlement and return to the Graduation Service.
- Have you inadvertently stepped backwards in the graduation process? Try to click on step 3: Degree Certificate Application on the breadcrumb trail on the service. If you have an open application, you should be able to continue filling it out.
If none of the above solve the problem, contact the Study Office
Some applications might not at first have a reviewer. The Study Office team will assign these applications to reviewers automatically, and this does not require action on your part. You'll see the name of your reviewer on your application when you've been assigned to one.

For each question you'll see the date and identity of the last person to edit it. While completing the application is your responsibility, if it is necessary, the reviewer may update some fields on your behalf.

You'll also find details of edits on the Change log. You can access the log by clicking on the Change log button on the left of the page (visible on all steps/stages of the process).
You can not submit your application for approval before
- The reviewer has granted you permission AND
- You have completed all required questions on the Degree Certificate Application.
If you've received permission from your reviewer and the Proceed to submitting the application button has appeared on your application but it is not active, your application is still incomplete. Check the Incomplete fields list on the right side of the page and answer all required questions on the application.

If the Incomplete fields list is empty or not visible at all and the button still remains inactive, contact the Study Office.