How to: Retrieving an electronically signed certificate sent to your email
If an individual does not have access to Diak's students' online service MyDiak, the study office can send them an email with a link for downloading a document with an e-signature.
Diak's study office can provide the following documents with an e-signature
- Study Certificate (in Finnish and in English)
- Certificate of Acceptance (in Finnish and in English)
- Transcript of Records (in Finnish and in English)
- PSP-printout (in Finnish and in English)
- TE Office form TEM621: report by the education service provider (in Finnish)
- Local government pilots on employment form KK621: report by the education service provider (in Finnish)
- Course Certificate (in Finnish)
Please note that Diak's students should always use MyDiak's self-service option for Stydy Certificates and Transcripts of Records. In addition, for current students the e-signed certificates provided by the study office will in general be sent for download through the print service document bank.
If you need a certificate mentioned on the above list and you cannot order one yourself in MyDiak, please send our study office a request either by email to [email protected] or through our contact form at
The study office will send an email containing the download link to your personal email address. Please ensure that your contact information is up to date or - if you cannot update your data yourself on MyDiak - inform the study office of the address you want the link sent to.
The sender of the email is [email protected] and the title "Document sent by Diak ready for download".
In the email text you'll find a link to take you to the download site.
On the download site you can save the document to your own device by clicking on its name or on the Download-button (1). You'll also see for how long the document is available for downloading (2).

Depending on your browser, its settings and your selections the document will be
- opened in your browser or
- opened in your default programme or
- saved to your downloads folder.

Save the document to your device. It is now yours to use and forward to where you need to when you need to.
If you are expecting a document by email from Diak's study office and cannot find it in your inbox, please remember to check your junk mail folder.