Adding documents & material to courses
Material can be uploaded in two ways:
1) One file at a time
2) Into a folder on a course area
The latter is preferred, especially if there are lots of files. You may also create subfolders in the main folder. Folders are marked with a yellow colour bar whereas the single uploaded files are marked with different colours according to the file type: text documents have a blue bar, PowerPoints have an orange bar and pdf files have a red bar, as in the image below.
Materials should not be uploaded as text links. Usually this is done by typing in some text with a text editor (the page tool or section descriptions) and then by adding a link into a highlighted piece of text. If materials are uploaded like this the links will break whenever the course area is backed up and restored.
Scroll down in a section on a course area. Choose the right hand side action box with the text Drop files to attach or browse.
As the text suggests, files can be dragged and dropped with a mouse, or you may use the file picker. Using the file picker is shown in connection with the instruction for adding images.
There is a separate instruction for adding the folder tool.